I am currently a person and hope to continue to be one for ever.

Age 31, Male



Joined on 7/24/09

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4,400 / 4,440
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6.23 votes
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This is a sprite animation I began working on in 2006 and stopped working on in 2009. Notice how I didn't say the animation was finished. I stopped working on it because my hard drive crashed. I didn't actually find it floating amongst the internets until June 2011. But here's what I did.

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/e5 29c21d43f5ce43319a4456c07d1103
Use the middle button. The other two buttons were for testing purposes.

It was gonna be such a big project. It was overly ambitious of me, really. It was going to be 25 damn minutes long, with EVERY VIDEO GAME NINJA I COULD FIND. Oh yes, you name a ninja in a game made before 2000 and he or she was gonna be in it. And some video game ninjas from after 2000 as well. I had over 15 songs and I planned to use all of them. It was gonna be so good, I swear... but oh well. I've got another project in the works.

Most of the fight at the rock between Galuf and Sasuke [not the naruto one. the Sasuke from Ganbare Goemon] was done by bluemekocat, better known as Kotsu in some circles, who, sadly, will probably never make any animations on his own. The parts of that fight that I did are the last four seconds, the sound effects, the choice of music, Galuf's suplex, and changing a sequence where Galuf punched twice into one where he punches many times.

Friggin guy made me find electricity sound effects just for that fight.

Recent Game Medals

40,765 Points

Kill First Boss 10 Points

Kill the first boss

20 Kills 5 Points

Kill 20 enemies

Ignorance Isn't Bliss 5 Points

Finish the Tutorial

Incan Treasure 10 Points

Complete the Temple of Nenapmis!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Don't Look Back 10 Points

Clear Fourth Level 1N without returning to the entrance corridor

Alone with the Roaches 10 Points

Clear Fourth Level 1S 1E without drinking the mimic potion

Good Style 10 Points

Have a good style in Fourth Level 2E

I'm a Professional! 10 Points

Cleared the fourth level"

Pits are Pretty 25 Points

Drop all trapdoors in Fourth Level 1S 2E and clear the room on the same visit

Latest Shared Creations


Added to faces for Cathode Raybots Feb 21, 2013.

Angry frustrated loser

Added to bosses for Cathode Raybots Feb 21, 2013.

What seek ye?

Added to syncdata for Talk Head Oct 11, 2012.